Seven Things To Do After A Really Bad Job Interview

Have you ever left a job interview knowing you did not do well? Chances are you have and you probably handled the situation by beating yourself up and putting that opportunity behind you. But there is no benefit in walking away from the job or employer with a negative attitude. Bad interviews can be very […]

#Tips: How to market yourself to a prospective employer

CV’s are stories you tell about yourself. Where you have been, what you have done and how you can help a prospective employer. They require customization to make them fit a new culture, business, and opportunity. Marketing yourself requires treating a prospective employer like a target audience. The more information you can gather about your […]

10 Insider tips to help you survive in the Corporate world

Let me start this article by defining “The Corporate world”. The Corporate world can be defined as a place where business ethics and laws apply and must be followed by all the member staff, with certain other specific behaviors that must be met in order to get ahead in such a world. It is called […]

7 Best tips for handling debt no matter how much you are owing

Anyone with even a little amount of debt has to manage their debt. If you just have a little debt, you have to keep up your payments and make sure it doesn’t get out of control. 1. Know Who & How Much You Owe: If you are a debtor then you should make a list […]


Even when you have gone on more interviews than you can count, job interviewing never seems to get any easier. With each job interview, you are meeting new people, selling yourself and your skills. And, you need to stay upbeat and enthusiastic through it all. This can be a challenge, especially when you’re interviewing for a […]

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