About us: Wallstreet Recruitment Services Limited (WRSL) is a Nigerian company that provides manpower & HR solutions to various companies with emphasis on satisfying the recruitment needs of our numerous clients. Our technical recruitment team has extensive experience with head-hunting, selecting, matching and qualifying senior/middle management candidates for various sectors including Fintech, Banking & Financial […]
How to create an emergency response plan for your office
To help ensure the safety and well-being of your employees, take the time to develop a comprehensive emergency response plan. A detailed and well-executed emergency action plan (EAP) can save lives. The actions taken during the first few moments of an emergency are critical. A prompt, well-orchestrated warning can communicate to your employees whether they […]
Seven Things To Do After A Really Bad Job Interview
Have you ever left a job interview knowing you did not do well? Chances are you have and you probably handled the situation by beating yourself up and putting that opportunity behind you. But there is no benefit in walking away from the job or employer with a negative attitude. Bad interviews can be very […]
The Best Place To Get A Loan – Why you should apply for a loan with us at Wallstreet Financials #ApplyNow
The best place for you to get a loan is whichever lender will approve you for the best package: loan amount, low interest rate, repayment period and Turn-around time. You can get a sense of which lender that will be by comparing personal loan offers and checking for pre-qualification. Why you should apply for a […]
The top 5 discussions HR managers do not want to have with employees (but have to, because it is part of their job)
The world of Human Resources (HR) is not as easy as some people say. Difficult conversations with employees are one of the things that no one wants to do. In this article below, I will be talking about the difficult ‘Discussions’ HR (Human Resource) Managers do not want to have with employees but have to […]
#Tips: How to market yourself to a prospective employer
CV’s are stories you tell about yourself. Where you have been, what you have done and how you can help a prospective employer. They require customization to make them fit a new culture, business, and opportunity. Marketing yourself requires treating a prospective employer like a target audience. The more information you can gather about your […]
Actions to take when your finances are a mess
You might find yourself in a situation where your finances are starting to get in a bad shape. Bills are piling up. You have lots of debts such as student loans, a house payment or credit card debt. Not only do you not have savings in your account or an emergency fund, damn, you don’t […]
What to bring to a job interview
Once you have gotten a job interview, be sure that you are well-prepared, as this is likely your main chance to convince an employer that you are the best candidate for the job. Your attitude, appearance and answers to questions are the major factors that will determine if you will get the job or not. […]
10 Insider tips to help you survive in the Corporate world
Let me start this article by defining “The Corporate world”. The Corporate world can be defined as a place where business ethics and laws apply and must be followed by all the member staff, with certain other specific behaviors that must be met in order to get ahead in such a world. It is called […]
5 Essential Steps To Follow When Creating Your Employer Branding Video
In this article, we are going to be talking about EMPLOYER BRANDING and the steps to take when creating an employer branding video in order to demonstrate the CULTURE of the organization and SERVICES the organization renders. Employer brand illustrates an employer’s reputation as a place to work, and their employee value proposition, as opposed […]